Studies in English

April period Final Exam in Medical physiology

22nd March 2022

Dear students,


April period Final Exam in Medical physiology will be held on Thursday, 14th April 2022 at 09:00h in Classroom D of Institute of Medical physiology.

Students who attended classes in Medical physiology in the academic years 2020/21 and 2019/20 will take the practical exam in the form of 10 questions (included in final test questions) from the practical exercises materials (presentations on e-learning platform and student workbooks). 


Important information:


  1. Due to the current epidemiological situation, wearing protective medical masks and gloves will be mandatory. Exam attendance without medical masks and gloves will not be allowed.
  2. Bringing Indexes and white leaflets (“bela prijava”) is obligatory.



Kind regards,

Prof. dr O. Stanojlović